Listing B
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#ifdef WIN32
#include <windows.h>
// the 'to_string' function
template< class type>
inline std::string to_string( const type & value)
    std::ostringstream streamOut;
    streamOut << value;
    return streamOut.str();
struct Point
    Point( int nLeft, int nTop)
        : m_nLeft( nLeft), m_nTop( nTop)
    int m_nLeft;
    int m_nTop;
std::ostream & operator<<( std::ostream & streamOut, const Point & value)
    streamOut << "(" << value.m_nLeft << ", " << value.m_nTop << ")";
    return streamOut;
int main()
    std::string strDocName = "doc_test.txt";
    int nWordsCount;
    // ... calculate words count
    nWordsCount = 48;
    // {1}
    // using to_string with an 'int'
    std::string str1 =
        "The " + strDocName + " contains " + to_string( nWordsCount) + " words";
    // on Win32, call the Message box function
#ifdef WIN32
    MessageBox( NULL, str1.c_str(), "", MB_OK);
    // {2}
    // using to_string with a custom type (Point)
    std::string str2 =
        "You should build a rectangle between " + to_string( Point( 10, 5)) +
        " and " + to_string( Point( 100, 300));
    // on Win32, call the Message box function
#ifdef WIN32
    MessageBox( NULL, str2.c_str(), "", MB_OK);
    return 0;