To view the complete list of changes that result from installing Internet Explorer Hardening Pack, open Internet Explorer, click Tools and then click Internet Options. Click the Security tab, click Restricted Sites, and then click Custom Level. The configuration that appears corresponds to the security enhancements that apply to both Internet and intranet Web sites when Internet Explorer Hardening Pack is installed. Making additional changes to any of the zones after you install the pack automatically enables the Reset to default option. Use this option to revert to the template that is installed by Internet Explorer Hardening Pack for the corresponding zone. The increased level of security might prevent browser-based client applications from working in the Internet and intranet zones. Server-based applications will continue to work as they did before you installed the pack, however. After installing the pack, you might want to access Web sites that require the functionality that has been disabled. To access those Web sites, you can add them to the Trusted Sites zone. To add a Web site to the Trusted Sites security zone Notes To uninstall Internet Explorer Hardening Pack and restore the default Internet Explorer security settings IE Hardening Info
Internet Explorer high security settings are enabled
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